Applied researches in a field of radon

14. September 2021

Consulting and conducting radon assessments in working and living environments and buildings, to check for safety and verify regulatory requirements. Radiological i-index determination for building materials and measurement of the radon exhalation rate (surface and massic) for building materials. Radon …

Employee welfare research and counselling

14. September 2021

Strong mental health and general well-being of employees help to increase work efficiency. We conduct research that maps and helps to monitor indicators of interest to employers both over time and by groups. By analyzing the data collected and relying on academic knowledge, we can provide evidence-based …

Laboratory services for work environment measurement

14. September 2021

Examination of working environment conditions and measurement of environmental parameters including laboratory services: relative humidity and temperature, airflow rate in premises, intensity, noise measurements.

The effect of light and sound therapy to the general subjective well-being of humans. Supporting mental health.

14. September 2021

Vibratory acoustics, light therapy, infrared therapy and support for mental health, subjective wellbeing. Technology use in Estonian welfare institutions with focus on elderly care

Studies on the quality of nursing records in hospitals.

11. August 2021

The importance of the topic is related to the quality management of work in the field of nursing, also quality assurance and harmonization in different hospitals. At health care colleges are taught nursing diagnoses based on NANDA-I II taxonomy but their implementation in practice is uneven in healthcare …

Student internship supervision satisfaction surveys

11. August 2021

Student satisfaction with internship supervision is related to both school-based and internship-based supervision. There is no information on how satisfied students are with the supervision of the internship. The studies use a validated questionnaire. Based on the results, feedback can be given to internship …

Mapping the experiences, needs and coping strategies of parents of children with chronic diseases

11. August 2021

Often, healthcare services are patient-centered and lack family-centeredness, where the needs of parents and coping with a child’s illness are relegated to the background. The research method uses semi-structured interviews to describe parents’ experiences and needs, and a validated questionnaire to …

Mapping patient’s information needs

11. August 2021

The problem is that the assessment of the patient’s information needs is uneven in healthcare institutions. Interviews with patients and examination of the patient’s health records are used as the research methods. Based on the research results, healthcare institutions receive feedback to assess better …

Researching the history of nursing in the context of Estonian society and different cultures, with a focus on the Soviet-era

11. August 2021

Although Soviet-era nursing in Estonia has been studied, the existing research is mainly chronological and concise. At the same time, nurses with Soviet-era education have been the developers of new and modern nursing education and the founders of the principles of modern nursing in Estonia, which is …

Evaluation and measurement of ocular fixation disparity and if necessary, recommending vision therapy or additional optical correction.

26. March 2021

The disparity of fixation is the inaccurate intersection of the axes of vision in the presence of fusion and in the associated conditions, which is resulted from over- or underconvergence of the eyes. Binocular vision under associated conditions is assessed by measuring fixation disparity. Both objective …

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